

A complete range of products, for all telecommunications, signalling, control applications

ECOTEL holds Product Certifications issued by the most important National and International Certification Institutes

Ecotel - Gruppo Ecotech - Certificazioni - Prodotti
Type Size Characteristics Installation
Aerial cables for subscriber connection 1 to 4 pairs Bronze conductor
Reinforcement in aramid yarns
External – Aerial and self-supporting
Indoor cables for subscriber connection 1 to 4 pairs Subscriber cable Internal, with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Switchboard cable 1 to 21 pairs Switching wire and cables Internal or street cabinet, with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Telecom cables and for teleoperations 10 to 2400 pairs PE insulation
Dry or gel-filled core
Aluminum moisture barrier
Steel tape armour
PE jacket
In ducts or directly buried
Cables for indoor installations – PVC and LSZH 1 to 100 pairs PVC or LSZH insulation
Electrostatic screen
PVC or LSZH sheath
Internal, with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Cables for BUS systems 1 to 4 pairs PVC, PE or LSZH insulation
Electrostatic screen
PVC or LSZH sheath
Internal, with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Cables for the electronic industry 4 to 100 pairs PVC, PE or LSZH insulation
Electrostatic or electromagnetic screen
PVC or LSZH sheath
External or Internal, with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Cables for XDSL systems 4 to 100 pairs LSZH insulation
Electrostatic or electromagnetic screen
LSZH sheath
Internal, with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Data cable 2MHz / Category 3 / Category 5E 4 to 100 pairs PVC, PE or FRNC insulation
Electrostatic or electromagnetic screen
PVC or LSZH sheath
Internal, with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Railway cables for signaling and control 1 to 4 pairs PE insulation
Aluminum shield
Steel tape armour
PE or LSZH sheath
External or Internal, with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Railway cables for SCMT systems 1 pair LSZH insulation
Aluminum moisture barrier
Steel tape armour
LSZH sheath
External or Internal, with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Typology Designation Cable Section
Aerial cables for subscriber connection TE 1X2X1.0/R/BRONZE
TE 2X2X0.6 /KE-S
TE 4X2X0.6 /KE-S
Cavi aerei per collegamento di utente Cavi aerei per collegamento di utente
Indoor cables for subscriber connection TE 1X2X0.6/R Cavi da interno per collegamento di utente
Switch-board cables TR nX0.6 Cavi di permutazione
Urban multipair telecome cables TE nX2x0.4/0.6 T/H5E
TE nX2x0.4/0.6 T/H5ENE
TE nX2x0.9 T/H5E
TE nX2x0.9 T/H5EH4E
TE nX2x0.9 T/H5ENE
Cavi urbani e per teleoperazioni

Cables for indoor installations


TR nX2X0,6 /R
TR nX2X0,6 /M
J-Y(ST)Y nx2x0.6
J-Y(ST)Y nx2x0.8
J-H(ST)H nx2x0.6
J-H(ST)H nx2x0.8
Cavi per installazioni interne in PVC e LSZH
Cables for BUS systems EIB KNX BUS 2X2X0.8 Cavi per impianti con tecnologia BUS
Cables for the electronic industry JE-Y(ST)Y nX2X0.8 BD SI Cavi per industria elettronica
Cables for XDSL systems THFFR NX2X0.4 GH/M
THFFR NX(24x2x0.4H) G/M
THFFR NX(32x2x0.4H) G/M
Cavi per impianti XDSL
Data cable 2MHz / Category 3 / Category 5E TE NX2X0.51 /M
TE NX2X0.51 /HM
UTP 4X2X0.51
FTP 4X2X0.51
F-UTP 4X2X0.51
Data cable 2MHz Categoria 3 Categoria 5E
Railway cables for signaling and controls TE 4X2X0.7 /HH9E
TE 4X2X0.7 /HH9M
TEH 2X2X0.9 /H5EFE
TEH 2X2X0.9 /H5MFM
Cavi ferroviari per segnalamento e controllo
Railway cables for SCMT system TE 1X2X0.9 /H9E
TE 1X2X0.9 /H9M
TE3 1X2X1.40 /H5ENE
TE3 1X2X1.40 /H5MNM
TE3 1X2X1.60 /H5ENE
TE3 1X2X1.60 /H5MNM
Cavi ferroviari per boe SCMT
Typology Potential Characteristics Installation
Traditional cables multi tubes 4 to 864 optical fibers

Single or double layer stranding and dry or gel filled core

Reinforcement in aramid yarns or glass fibre

Light corrugated steel tape armor. Heavy welded and corrugated steel tape armor

Non-metallic anti-ballistic protection


External – in ducts or directly buried
External – Aerial and Self Supporting (ADSS)
External – Aerial and Self-supporting with ballistic protection (ADSS+)
Internal – with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Internal – with fire resistance characteristic
Microcables 4 to 864 optical fibers

Reduced weight and diameter

HDPE or PA or LSZH sheath

External – in miniducts using blowing technique
External – on the building facade
Internal – with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Traditional or miniaturized cables with central tube 2 to 48 optical fibers

Reinforcement in aramid yarns or glass fibre

Light armor in corrugated steel tape or smooth Aluminum tape


External – in cable ducts
External – on the building facade
Internal – with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR
Single-fiber and multi-fiber cables
Minibundle cables
Micromodule cables
1 to 48 optical fibers

Compact cables with high fiber density

Single fiber protection

Improved management of the optical fiber

For external or internal installation, with fire performance according to UE 305/11 Directive CPR

FTTH connection

Subscriber connection


Typology Designation Cable Section
Traditional cables multi-tubes for ADSS self-supporting aerial installation TOLD da 4 a 864 SM G.657A1 T/KE-S
TOLD da 4 a 864 SM G.657A1 T/EKE
TOLD da 4 a 864 SM G.657A1 T/EN1KE
A-DQ2Y(ZN)2Y da 4 a 864 E9/125
Cavi tradizionali a tubetti multipli per posa aerea autoportante ADSS
Traditional cables multi-tube for underground installation, dielectric or metallic armour TOLD da 4 a 864 SM G.657A1 T/VE
TOLD da 4 a 864 SM G.657A1 T/EVE
TOLD da 4 a 432 SM G.657A1 T/KH9E
TOLD da 4 a 432 SM G.657A1 T/EKH9E
A-DQ2Y(BN)2Y 4 a 864 E9/125
A-DQ2Y(ZN)(SR)2Y 4 a 864 E9/125
Cavi tradizionali a tubetti multipli per posa sotterranea, con armatura dielettrica o metallica
Traditional multi-tube cables with heavy corrugated steel armor TOL8D 4 to 64 SM G.652D T/EKH6E
TOL8D 4 to 64 SM G.652D T/MKH6M
A-DQ2Y(ZN)B2Y 4 to 864 E9/125
A-DQH(ZN)BH 4 to 864 E9/125
Cavi tradizionali a tubetti multipli con armatura pesante in acciaio corrugato
Microcables A-DQ(ZN)2Y 4 to 864 E9/125
TOLD 4 to 864 SM G.657A1 T/E
I-DQ(ZN)H 4 to 864 E9/125
TOL6D 4 to 864 SM G.657A1 T/M
Traditional and miniaturized cables with central tube TOL1 4 to 36 SM G.657A1 T/KH9E
TOL1 4 to 36 SM G.657A1 T/VM
A-DQ(ZN)(SR)2Y 4 to 36 E9/125
I-DQ(ZN)BH da 4 to 36 E9/125
Cavi tradizionali e miniaturizzati a tubetto singolo centrale

Single-fiber and multi-fiber cables

Minibundle cables

Micromodule cables

TOTD 4 to 48 SM G.657A2 /KM


TOTD 4 to 24 SM G.657A2 /KM/M-FIG.8

TOL1 G.657A2 /KM/KM single for indoor and outdoor

I-V(ZN)H 4 to 48 E9/125


Corning – The history of fiber optics
Thanks to optical fiber, invented in a Corning laboratory in 1970, huge amounts of data, phone calls and videos can circulate around the planet.
That data movement has in turn enabled innovation after innovation, including the internet, the cloud, the boom in mobile devices, streaming TV, autonomous cars, bitcoin, artificial intelligence and everything to come.

Ecotel has a long partnership with CORNING Optical Tech, and can offer the best fiber technology available world-wide

Ecotel - Prodotti - Ottica - Corning - Logo
Typology ITU-T ISO/IEC Standard Recommendation Product name
Single Mode ITU-T G.657.A1
ITU-T G.652.D
SMF-28® Ultra Optical Fiber
SMF-28® Ultra 200 Optical Fiber
SMF-28e+® Optical Fiber
SMF-28e+® LL Optical Fiber
Non Zero Dispersion ITU-T G.655.C LEAF® Optical Fiber
Cut-off Shifted
Long Haul
ITU-T G.654.E
ITU-T G.654.C
TXF® Optical fiber
SMF-28®ULL Optical fiber
Bend Insensitive
ITU-T G.657.A2/B2 ClearCurve Single Mode Optical Fiber
SMF-28® Contour Optical fiber
Bend Insensitive
IEC 60793-2-10 A1 / OM2
IEC 60793-2-10 A1 / OM3
IEC 60793-2-10 A1 / OM4
ClearCurve® Multi Mode Optical Fiber